When businesses provide childcare for employees, employee absences decrease by 30% and job turnover declines by as much as 60%.
Source: (BridgeCare)
Unlimited vacation time eliminates vacation liability for companies an average of $1,898 per employee.
Source: (FRACTL)
Employers that offer Dependent Care FSAs can save up to $382.50 per employee. (For an employer with 100 employees participating in the full $5,000 FSA, that employer would save $38,200 per year.)
Source: (Child Care & Parent Productivity)
First-time mothers who use some form of paid leave are 32% less likely to quit their jobs before or after childbirth and are 19% more likely to return to the same employer after leave.
Employers report that paid family leave either maintained or increased employee productivity (89%), profitability/performance (91%), turnover (96%) and employee morale (99%).
Source: (Impaq International and Institute for Women’s Policy Research and Scientific American)
An average business with 250 employees can save $75,000 per year in lost work time by subsidizing care for employees’ sick children. To make sure their children were taken care of, 67% of parents said they used a sick day, 56% were late to work and 39% took a vacation day.
Employers who support women who choose to breastfeed have more satisfied and loyal employees, which can also result in higher productivity.
Source: (Science Direct)
Of the 30% of credentialed women who leave the workforce, 70% say they would have stayed if they had access to flexibility.
Compared to their competitors, great workplaces win when it comes to revenue growth, employee retention, productivity, innovation, resilience, agility, customer service, and employee engagement.
Source: (Fortune)
People who worked from home increased performance by 13% and the company’s attrition rates for the work from home group decreased by 50%.